Often psychotherapy is referred to as “talk therapy”, it is really much more involved and complicated.
Many studies have demonstrated that psychotherapy can actually modify neuroanatomy, affect neurotransmitter binding in relevant parts of the brain, and even affect blood flow and metabolism to key areas of the brain. Neuroimaging studies have even demonstrated that psychotherapy can modify hippocampal volume in individuals with trauma and adverse life events. A skilled psychotherapist is tasked with assessing, formulating, and integrating information in real time, and is faced with the challenging task of employing therapeutic interventions in a manner that is openly received by the patient. This means understanding timing well and knowing your patient well, because what is usually a therapeutic intervention can sometimes become harmful if delivered in the wrong time. Psychotherapy involves hard work for both the therapist and the patient. Sometimes it can be very difficult to be open, honest and brave to discuss issues that are painful or difficult to explore. The frequency and intensity of psychotherapy will be determined at the conclusion of your initial evaluation and will be re-evaluated on an ongoing basis. Dr Nissirios tailors her therapeutic approach to each individuals needs and has experience and training in different therapy modalities, including psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, acceptance commitment therapy, parent management training, family therapy and a special interest in parent child psychotherapy.